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My Facebook Newsfeed Is Nothing But Babies and Weddings

I can’t tell you how many of my friends–all from different circles– have dubbed themselves relationship retarded, relationship challenged… etc. over the last few weeks.

After how I’ve acted a fool over the weekend, I can ride the relationship short bus too. Actually, I can be the short bus monitor.

It’s been happening gradually, but as of late, my Facebook newsfeed is overflowing with folks getting married and having babies.

A few years ago, it was a lot of people going to parties, going on vacations and celebrating the completion of graduate programs.


It’s weddings, showers and babies. Weddings, showers and engagement photos and on and on.

I’ve mentioned in blogs past that there have been disproportionate weddings among my white high school classmates in comparison to black.

And disproportionate non-married births among my black high school classmates.

Some of my college educated black female friends are making slow gains in the marriage department, but it looks like they are getting married later, and most of them have had really, really long-term relationships prior to getting down the aisle.

I really could do a sociology project on marriage patterns among various racial, educational and socioeconomic groups because my Facebook friends run the gambit.

There are Facebook friends of mine who may have already been married for five or six years working on a third or fourth child.

I’m happy for all of these people taking these big major life steps. But it makes me want to celebrate something soon. Anything.

I may create an album called “My super single 30ish life” and start taking and posting more pics. My life is worth celebrating at every stage. Including this one, where I’m going to have the most flexibility EVER.

While me and my friends to yearn for companionship and a beautiful family to create and call our own, I’m trying to appreciate this season in my life for what it is. It belongs to me and only me and I can do with it whatever I please with no other pressures from anyone else who will have to depend on me. That is also worth celebrating.

Are we happy yet?


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3 thoughts on “My Facebook Newsfeed Is Nothing But Babies and Weddings

  1. Ebony Jarrett on said:

    I think the album is a GREAT idea!!! Celebrate who and where you are in life now. You will never get this time back. I know you (us) are not in the situation we would want to be in, but we are here so we might as well make the best of it! Like I said in the BBFit post the other day, sometimes God shuts a door/puts up a baby gate to protect us even though we don’t see the dangers. I’m attempting to learn to party during this stage.

    We can start taking pics for the album on Thursday 🙂

  2. It reminds me of when Carrie announced her marriage to herself. It was genius! Plus she got cute shoes out of it. There should be a registry for single girls who don’t settle for the first schmo who walks into our lives. Why not celebrate our lives? No kids, no annoying husband, and we can stay out late without needing a baby sitter. There should be a huge celebration for that lol .

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