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Adults Should Go ‘School Shopping’ Too

Even if it’s a few funky notepads from cool sites like knockknockstuff.com (photographed here), adults, go “school shopping” for yourself.

After buying two tops in Marshalls, I just put myself on a clothing purchasing fast for the next two months.

I’ve been emotional lately. My exercise regimen has been shot to hell because of visiting my friend in the hospital after work, and on my off days from that, I’ve just been really tired or traveling.

See the aforementioned reasons and that’s also why I’ve broken my stellar record in terms of eating better. I’ve had soda at least three times this week and usually I do fine without it. I’ve been eating fast food a few times this week too. Not pleased.

So shopping also makes me feel good. Nothing like a trip to Marshall’s to get a dress for $20 or tops for $12. But all of that adds up.

I do say all that to say this.

My shopping habits can be based on my emotions or me just wanting something shiny and new because I was inspired by a fashion blog or Pinterest board. But I have noticed that although I shop for clothes and shoes all year long, I have a tendency to be more inclined to shop around late summer/early fall. I call it “Back to School Syndrome.”

Most of us who were fortunate went through the annual ritual of going School Shopping. If you were really lucky, your parents gave you a lot of room to make your own fashion choices pending their approval.

Me and my friends would spend hours talking about what our look was going to be as we entered a new grade. And the obsession with what we would choose for our staple looks (to last until we rack up again around Christmas time) went into over drive once we reached high school, where we were really shallow, self-absorbed and brand-crazy. Our popularity and status depended on it. Serious business.

It’s no wonder my closet starts getting a little more full in August and September, because in my mind, I’m supposed to be refreshing my look, because that’s what I did for most of my life.

I think it’s even MORE important for adults, especially those who have responsibilities to go out two seasons of the year and go “School Shopping.”

You need a new smart phone? Laptop? Tablet? You should get it.

Need new clothes and shoes? Get it. Those sales are applying to grown up clothes and gadgets too. Why not take advantage?

So what if you’ve been at your job for two years and maybe you didn’t get promoted, or you see the same people. Don’t wait for a new position or another job, go “School Shopping.” You deserve it. You pay the bills. Just because you don’t have to make an impression in home room doesn’t mean you can’t cop a few new fresh items to put in your wardrobe.

Refreshing your closet and your tools in such a way may actually refresh you so you can accomplish your professional goals. Get some new pens and new pads. Get some cool sticky notes and freshen up your office or your desk. I love this store Knockknockstuff.com for exactly that kind of stuff.


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7 thoughts on “Adults Should Go ‘School Shopping’ Too

  1. Reblogged this on Not So Skinny Genes and commented:
    Back to School Shopping was always my favourite type of shopping… Starting a New Job Shopping is remarkably similar (minus the office supplies… they are usually covered by the company šŸ˜‰

  2. You are quite right and I would add: go and get your hair styled! That always picks me up and makes me feel a little new!

  3. Thanks so much for the reblog L! And congrats on the new gig! You are going to knock their socks off!

  4. Hmm…an interesting idea, I think you’re on to something. Sorry about the difficulties you’ve been having while visiting your sick friend, but everyone has chances to reexamine what’s important in their life.

    Sorry you’ve had difficulty exercising and eating right, but have you ever stopped to ask yourself critically, “why am I doing this?” Ask yourself that question often enough and you might just break your patterns of regret. I’ve done that in my own way and I’ve felt extremely proud of myself afterwards.

    I think I’ll be writing a list of things I could purchase as a reward for my recent upwardly mobile swing in life. No coincidence that it’s happening around this time. In life, there are no coincidences; I believe your friend would want you to stop worrying and take care of yourself. You would be doing them a great service, and perhaps they will turn around once you’ve done the same for yourself.

    Best of luck to you.

    • Thanks, Anthony! You make some good points. And you are totally right about taking care of myself. I’m glad to hear things are going so well for you! It’s time to certainly go school shopping, my friend!!

  5. Wow…this is crazy..I just spent a ton of money updating my wardrobe not two days ago! weirrdddd lol

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